Monday, June 7, 2010

A little something I made to describe myself to lovely people(read: YOU!). It doesn't mention my ED, because I just might put this on my Facebook page. So, yeah. :/

She's young (too young, she thinks sometimes) and sometimes, she's just plain immature. But it's okay. She's slightly (incredibly) moody and enjoys writing to a great extent. She spends her hours wasting time when she should be studying, and when she could be wasting time she's doing something else. She might be slightly on the bipolar side and if you hurt her she might break but no, that's just her and she knows it and its okay and eventually she gets back on her feet. She's fine with who she is and her biggest r e g r e t is something that hasn't happened yet. She traces patterns in the dirt because she is b.o.r.e.d easily and does not like mathematics one bit. She likes to believe there is something better, bigger, more exciting in this world but then again she's slightly (very) insane and maybe just a little chaotic.

But she's also quite lovely. She wears flowy dress and skinny jeans and her camera on her wrist because that's who she is, and who she is does not care whether she's 'fashionable' right now (she'd rather be i n d i v i d u a l). Likes to think she's {creative} and has H I G H H O P E S for this world in the future.She loves
P H O T O G R A P H Y, loves A R T . Loves the idea of waking up at six in the morning to get the perfect picture. Loves it all. She quite likes semicolons;; but she doesn't know why and also these thingsanddoesanyoneactuallyknowwhatthey'recalledanyway? She likes to find old pictures and new pictures and even occasionally just-in-the-middle pictures and she loves to read, just loves to read anything. She will try and try for things. M U S I C never fails to make her(:smile.


  1. You are too cute. This is adorable. I love it. Don't lose this. You are beautiful.

  2. i think you are wonderful.
    and lovely.
    and gorgeous too.

  3. i like this girl :) always stay true to yourself and dont let anyone chaneg you :) xxx


They always make me smile(: